Saturday, November 27, 2010

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm; Post Shattering, Pre Release

Happy Saturday! Today, I'll be talking about waiting on WoW's newest expansion, which will be releasing on December 7, 2010 at 2:00AM CST. I am really excited for the new expansion actually. I have planned a way to shoot for server first 85 without neglecting my kids at the same time. Let's just say, no sleep + help from hubby = at least 36 hours of straight game play. Michael's physical therapist comes for her weekly visit at 2:45pm CST on the 8th; so if I don't hit 85 after 36 hours, I won't be server first 85 paladin. So yeah, I won't be leaning back and enjoying leveling content until I start leveling my warlock, Kelandra, a week or so after I get Keona to 85.

Right now I am simply waiting. Well, not really. I am fighting with my client telling me that 4 gigs of ram is not enough for WoW and my 72 addons. It keeps crashing when I switch characters or log out due to inactivity. Trust me, I am annoyed. When it does work, I am running around on Kel enjoying the new scenery and shooting for Loremaster finally. Kel is my achievement toon, so she gets all the nonraiding achievements first.

I find it a waste of time to do the Pilgrim achievements though. I want to see so much of the new old world before Cataclysm releases in a week and a half and before I'm zerging through the new zones trying to grasp my server first. I can't be bothered to shoot for an achievement I can get next year. It turns out several people agree with me, which is odd. Nobody ever agrees with me.

I'm also trying to recruit for Shattered Souls like CRAZY. The new guild advancement feature has been the feature of Cataclysm I have been anticipating the most since Blizzcon 2009. I know new content out weighs something like this to a lot of people; but to me, it is long overdue. It just makes me wish I had some recruitment skills. I'll keep trying though. It's hard to promote a serious 10 man social guild. Most people either want a social aspect or a raiding aspect and I want it all. I want a nice community inside the guild as well as the progression of a guild focused on current progression.

I wanted to hurt people when it took my former raid group until I was in the hospital in June to finally get to the Lich King on normal 10 man. In fact, I'm still 11/12 ICC 10 normal and 6/12 ICC 25 normal! I have heroic lootship 25 and 10 and heroic Marrowgar on 10 man, but it's just not enough for me. I really wish I didn't take time off after my son was born; even if it was needed. My husband and I have been trying all week to get our 10 man LK kill. Sadly, we are stuck on the 2nd phase. Pugging this close to an expansion on my server is not exactly success.

Maybe I should go sit in Westfall and wait to stand in fire.

By the way, this blog entry is fail. Blame The Shattering, then blame me. ;) Don't worry, there will be more interesting reads in the future.

Just a thought or two,
- Keona

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