Sunday, December 5, 2010

World of Warcraft Cataclysm, Only Moments Away

Okay, it's hours away technically. Many people across the world are preparing for the launch of Cataclysm on December 7th in many different ways. I am just trying to catch up on my sleep as much as possible.

Upon release, I will be one of the many people racing for a server first. Sadly, this means I cannot take the time to enjoy the content with my main character right away, but I will be able to after Wednesday afternoon. I have given myself 36 hours to reach 85 and I will be filling my secondary hard drive with footage of the speed leveling. So expect in the future a few videos of footage of leveling through the new content. I'll try to split it between 5 videos, one for each level so it may be sped up, but not extremely so.

There's not much to discuss today. I am not one to go on about a leaked document or boring post beta pre release news at this point. With the expansion about 37 hours away for me, there is just waiting. I'll get a decent article in about my opinion of the new expansion later in the week. Then you can find out if I really made it to 85 within 36 hours.

Take care and see you in a few days after release and a much needed nap.
Just a thought or two,
- Keona

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