Sunday, January 30, 2011

Broadcasting Estimated Schedule | 01.30.2011 - 02.01.2011 |

Estimated Broadcast Schedule for Chronicles of Keona - stream
(all times are Central US time)

Sunday 01.30, 2:30am: DC Universe Online - Gameplay
Sunday 01.30, 9:00pm: World of Warcraft - Bastion of Twilight; 10 player
Monday 01.31, 2:00am: DC Universe Online - Gameplay
Monday 01.31, 9:00pm: World of Warcraft - 10 player raid
Tuesday 02.01, 2:00am: DC Universe Online - Gameplay
Tuesday 02.01, 3:00pm: Starcraft 2 - Random League Games [I am horrible at SC2!!!!]

At this moment, this is all the information I can provide until my raid leader posts our raids.  Expect these schedules to come on Tuesdays and Fridays. :D

Just a thought or two,
- Keona

Friday, January 28, 2011

Rift Beta Live Stream - 1

Just a thought or two,
- Keona

Adventures in Healing; Part One

So for everything except guild raids, I've been tanking. It's what comes natural and I know which stats are more important to me. However, guild raids. A nice little off spec, Holy, comes out for those. I have learned my stat and spell priority. I've learned how to gear and spec. It is just an adventure that doesn't just come to me. I'm not used to relying on my mouse for so much. Thank you healbot for making things easier, but geez.

I tend to get this tunnel vision. Where the only things that matter is my feet and my healbot. I feel like I am missing so much. I watch the videos I fraps afterward and laugh at the stupid things other people do and gaze in shock at how some mechanics are. Did I really miss that? Often that line comes to mind.

I also watch the videos and feel so pro. During the raid I'm freaking out about health bars, but the video makes it look like I'm doing everything seamlessly. It's odd in a way.

I'm sorry this blog entry is so short though. I'm really caught up into trying to live stream and get some Rift beta play time in. I promise the next adventures in healing will be more informative.
Just a thought or two,
- Keona

Thursday, January 20, 2011

World of Warcraft Cataclysm: Magmaw - 10 Man Raid Strategy

Our raid composition is made up of two tanks, three healers, two melee, and three ranged.  Make note that it is possible to succeed at this encounter with one tank, but we feel more comfortable with two.  The choice is yours.

To begin the fight our first tank pulls and stands against Magmaw on his right side while the rest of the raid, except one ranged, stands against him on his left side.  This is for his “Pillar of Flame” mechanic.

Every 30 seconds Pillar of Flame will choose a raid member at least 15 yards away from Magmaw to erupt under.  If nobody is 15 yards away, it’ll erupt under your raid.  This will not be a good thing.  When it erupts, anyone directly on top of the area will be shot into the air then shortly after 8 – 10 lava parasites will spawn from the eruption.  Our hunter avoids the eruption and then kites the lava parasites while our other two ranged DPS AoE’s them down.  If a lava parasite touches a raid member, it will infect them with Parasitic Infection which causes 12,000 – 14,000 damage, every two seconds for 10 seconds, then finishes as Infectious Vomit.  All players within 8 yards of the infected member will receive a lot of damage and more parasites will spawn.  This could cause a lot of problems, so it’s best to stay away and kill them at range quickly.

During this time Magmaw is also inflicting damage to random raid members with Magma Spit so healers will not get a break during the first phase.

About a minute and a half into the first phase, Magmaw will Mangle your current tank.  Yes, he will eat your tank.  The tank will need significant heals at this point.  Shortly after the mangle begins, “Magmaw slumps forward, exposing his pincers.” There will be steam coming out of the ground on the side of the room he will be falling on.  It’s important to move over to the other side or you could end up like our mage on previous attempts … crushed.   In 10 player, 2 raid members, preferably melee, will jump on top of Magmaw at this point.  They have 2 goals: they must pin Magmaw down before the next Pillar of Flame and they must pin Magmaw down before the tank gets mangled to death … literally.  To do this, they will hit 1 on their ability bar and then click on the spike in front of Magmaw.  Once "Magmaw becomes impaled on the spike, exposing his head!", phase 2 begins.

Don’t worry, no Pillar of Flame, Lava Parasites, or Magma Spit this phase.  All DPS will target the Exposed Head of Magmaw and pop all their DPS cooldowns this first time down.  This is when we call for Heroism or Time Warp.  Magmaw takes increased damage while he is down so it is important to take advantage of it.  Healers get a break to top off the raid and regen mana this phase.  I chose to melee the boss. 

As soon as this phase ends and he returns to his position, your other tank will taunt.  This is due to an armor debuff the first tank received while being Mangled.  After the tank switch, it is just rinse and repeat until he is dead.  If you chose to use just one tank instead, your tank will need some extra heals while the armor debuff is active.

It’s pretty simple mechanics and I would say, the easiest raid encounter in Cataclysm at this point. 

Just a thought or two,
- Keona

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Heroic Siamat - Lost City of the Tol'vir

Just a thought or two,
- Keona

Magmaw - 10 Player

Just a thought or two,
- Keona

Where did Keona go?

Many apologies once again for disappearing on you, I have been having a lot of technical difficulties on my end with both computers as well as been busting my butt to gear up two viable raid specs. Yes, Keona has gone holy, as an offspec. Basically, my guild needed a holy paladin and there was a feral druid available to have my tank spot. So what am I going to do right? Say, "oh yeah, screw you, I only tank"? I don't think so. One person does not make a raid and holy was my offspec in Wrath anyway.

After all that jazz, I started working on fixing my desktop when it hit me.  Keona, why don't you move the videos to your laptop and render from there?  We all know when I talk to myself, I call myself Keona right.  So two problems fixed right there!  Just now I am missing the ? key still on my laptop, but it must wait until my new super computer is built before I say "hey geek squad, replace this key, free of charge" and we know they'll do it because I technically paid for it.  One year accidental for the win!

Anywho, I decided no archaeology post.  Archaeology kills me slowly.  Instead I have decided, finally, on what I want to do with this blog.  I want to make it a Chronicles of Keona.  Yes, I will rename the top from Keona's Thoughts.

In short, I'll make it blog (and video blog) of my adventures on my main character, Keona.  I still have many more videos to edit, render, and upload and I'm looking forward to people seeing these and giving me honest opinions.

I'm also working up the courage to commentate some videos, but for now, you're stuck with my poor music editing skills.

That's all I have for now, catch ya'll later!

Just a thought or two,
- Keona

Leveling in Mount Hyjal Part Three

Just a thought or two,
- Keona

Leveling in Mount Hyjal Part Two

Just a thought or two,
- Keona

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Leveling in Mount Hyjal Part One

Just a thought or two,
- Keona

Happy New Year!

Hello again.  Many apologies for the two weeks off, but the holidays are crazy around my house.  It happens when you have kids and your family lives halfway across the country.  Anywho, to bring in the new year, I will be updating today with the first of my cataclysm leveling sped up videos; as well as a post about archaeology.  As soon as I clear out my tiny hard drive of raw video footage, I'll be able to do some more end game videos.  Possibly some random videos of professions and try my hand at commentating.  I plan on pushing out a lot of content posts and maybe even a protection paladin guide for those that haven't made it to heroics yet.

Enjoy the new year and Happy Gaming!

Just a thought or two,
- Keona