Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Where did Keona go?

Many apologies once again for disappearing on you, I have been having a lot of technical difficulties on my end with both computers as well as been busting my butt to gear up two viable raid specs. Yes, Keona has gone holy, as an offspec. Basically, my guild needed a holy paladin and there was a feral druid available to have my tank spot. So what am I going to do right? Say, "oh yeah, screw you, I only tank"? I don't think so. One person does not make a raid and holy was my offspec in Wrath anyway.

After all that jazz, I started working on fixing my desktop when it hit me.  Keona, why don't you move the videos to your laptop and render from there?  We all know when I talk to myself, I call myself Keona right.  So two problems fixed right there!  Just now I am missing the ? key still on my laptop, but it must wait until my new super computer is built before I say "hey geek squad, replace this key, free of charge" and we know they'll do it because I technically paid for it.  One year accidental for the win!

Anywho, I decided no archaeology post.  Archaeology kills me slowly.  Instead I have decided, finally, on what I want to do with this blog.  I want to make it a Chronicles of Keona.  Yes, I will rename the top from Keona's Thoughts.

In short, I'll make it blog (and video blog) of my adventures on my main character, Keona.  I still have many more videos to edit, render, and upload and I'm looking forward to people seeing these and giving me honest opinions.

I'm also working up the courage to commentate some videos, but for now, you're stuck with my poor music editing skills.

That's all I have for now, catch ya'll later!

Just a thought or two,
- Keona

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